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Through the Artists Lens - Heritage Thursdays 2022,

Through the Artists Lens - Heritage Thursdays 2022

This year's Heritage Thursdays theme was “Through the Artists Lens” and our goal was to bring art alive for kids. We covered several different art styles/movements and learned more about some of our favourite artists.
The sessions were:
Group of Seven – In this session, we painted pots inspired by the groups' landscape portraits. We learned how to work with oil pastels to create our own mini masterpieces.
Jackson Pollock – In this session we made beautiful tie-dye creations. A messy craft that we bring back almost every year because of its popularity. We worked on splatter paintings inspired by Pollock.
Sculptures – In this session, we created stepping stones for the garden. Although time got away from us, the kids got to take their cardboard sculpture home to do there.
Van Gogh – In this session, we made Starry Night in a Jar. The kids got to be inspired by Van Goghs most famous artwork “Starry Night” and create lights for their rooms. The kids also got to work with chalk pastels to inspire their inner artists and make creations of their own.
Abstract Art – In this session, we made pour paintings. This is another messy fun session, as kids get to be inspired and make art that is completely unique. 
This year’s Heritage Thursdays were a messy, artistic, colourful expression of what it means to be a kid! We saw such a wide variety of different pieces, which is always a delight. The inner artists were alive and well in each child who came to our sessions. The best part though had to be the fruit that was served every session to cap off a successful art day. Hopefully, we inspired and ignited every child’s imagination and creativity.
Thank you to all who attended and made this year’s sessions a great success. Now to wait a whole year for next year's sessions.
August 2022.